Saturday, March 1, 2014

Update 3/2/2014

Hey viewers and random people of the world, the update of the game is still long and harsh since I'm been busy with work... I'll be finishing up some rooms and areas to go in before starting the real deal for the demo to come out. Those who still sticking to my series, your support and aide are always welcome as I add new enemies and drawing characters.

Those who still like to know about this game and how will it play out, it's a work on progress until it's good enough to be called demo. The possible details of the story will be in the game itself, telling what and how these uneventful scene begin to smash into the game. The story is like most jrpg games but I do try to make it a good story as possible instead of relying on cheap scares.

I like a good scare from here and there but the game will end up having a nice creepy atmosphere.